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A Wrinkle In Time

August 14, 2008

Oh Glorious Day!


Today was full of surprises.  Well, ok, maybe not full, but there was at least one surprise worth mentioning.  (Please note that the names and most facts have been changed to protect the innocent, not so innocent and those that simply wish to remain anonymous.)  I was sitting at my desk eating lunch (hooray for taco salad day) and I got a call from a well connected family member.  He wanted to know if I was interested in possibly saying goodbye to my wrinkle of almost 4 years (although I never named the wrinkle there were definitely direct references made almost weekly if not daily).  Hmm, let me think about…..NOPE, no thinking necessary, YES PLEASE!  I was off like a flash to the doctor’s office to have my tiny imperfection eradicated forever (or 6-12 months, but whatever).  It was seriously the most sporadic thing I have done….possibly ever.  Before I knew it was filling out paperwork, getting my face numbed (an odd experience) and taking not so lovely “before” pictures.  During this “before” picture process I was informed that due to the aging process the fat pads in my face had become less and less, well, fatty.  Great.  I thought I only had one facial imperfection and now I am told that my cheek bones are sagging, the area under my eyes is too thin, and even my chin had become too boney.  Ok, so let me get this straight.  Aging strips the fat from your face and puts it on your hips and your thighs.  Awesome, I can’t wait to see what 45 brings me.  Possibly an extra ear, cankles and spider veins.


Anyway, back to my story.  The actual injection process took about 1.2 minutes.  There was a little bleeding but they had these amazing light bulb shaped ice contraptions that they simply rolled over the injection site.  And that was it.  Seriously.  The results were instantaneous.  I am fearful for local drivers because I couldn’t stop myself from gazing into my rearview mirror every 3.6 seconds.  It’s amazing. Something I have been less than pleased about for over 4 years was gone in an instant.  WOW, I am sold, sign me up, I have officially ordered a nice tall glass of the artificial maintenance Kool-Aid. 


Chad worries that we don’t really know what this stuff does in 20 years.  Me – not so worried.  Because I DO KNOW what the regular aging process does and that has to be 10 times worse than an eternal nervous tick or maybe an extra toe (all the better for toe rings my friend).  But seriously there are a million and five things out there to hurt and kill you; I am not really that worried about Restylane… Sweet ‘N Low, that’s another story, hence my Diet Coke sabbatical. 

One Comment leave one →
  1. August 15, 2008 1:41 pm

    AHHH!! I still can’t believe you did that! You are gorgeous and did NOT need it- but I’m excited that you like the results. I want to see your face now!

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